Last week, I discussed the issue of the public’s perception of you as a veteran. I think it’s time we examine the other side of that challenge coin. There exists a rift in our generation, between t...
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Military Regulations: Winning Battles Since 1775
Ahhhh, military regulations. Few topics evoke a more volatile cocktail of insatiable, fanatically polar opinions. Casually mentioning the subject from the top of a four-stack bunk in a lower d...
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This Isn't A Circus, Don't Be A Clown
“Don’t be fooled, I was raised by the wolves.”- Falling in Reverse I think it’s time we address something else separate from the last two pieces. Rather than addressing the interior issues, the m...
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This will be a start to a new chapter in our lives, a new beginning. I want to show the combat vets who have come home and been successful in the private world. We're taking this country back, one ...
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What is it that makes one man fail, while another with a similar background will flourish? What is that allows some to persevere in the face of adversity, while some waiver? It's all about the grin...
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What happened to the brotherhood? When did being in the military become less about a mission and band of brothers, and become a dick measuring contest to see who could make it to the top fastest? ...
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“I want to breathe life into the Dead Sea”-Alexisonfire We all know what’s plaguing our community: the suicide rate. 22 vets a day are taking their lives. This is unacceptable. As I stated in my l...
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The Appeal of War- The Spectator, The Participant
In a 1968 Associated Press photo from Vietnam by Art Greenspon, a soldier guides an unseen medevac helicopter to a jungle clearing where wounded comrades wait. A commemorative lithograph of Bull Ru...
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RONIN: The Masterless Warrior of Generation Y
ro·nin ˈrōnən/noun-historical1. A masterless samurai warrior class of the late Muromachi (1138–1573) and Tokugawa (1603–1867) periods, known for often being vagrant and disruptive and sometimes act...
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“I want to be dead with my friends….where the iron sharpens the iron.”-Every Time I Die I am bearing witness to the end of an era. I have the distinct blessing, or the agonizing misfortune of havin...
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When I was riding motorcycles all the time, we had a saying "it's not if you'll go down, it's when." In shooting, I have heard the same saying about negligent discharges. It's my number one fear, a...
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Guns, responsibility and America
I've been asked the question more times than I care to count. Friends, family, and especially girlfriends are always wondering "why do you carry that thing?" Typically I give some type of smart a...
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As the military downsizes and combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan are coming to a screeching halt, veterans are going to need jobs. Some of those veterans will be self employed, most will nee...
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I perpetually hear our generation talking about what they want to do in life. What will make them happy, what will give them purpose. My issue with that, and solution at the same time, is tha...
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