#TBT - Sgt Day G. Turner, US Army
When the Battle of the Bulge kicked off, Sgt Day Don’t Play Turner was a squad leader in B Co, 1-319IR. Sgt Turner and his squad were tasked with holding down a critical pos on the unit’s flank when Heinz and his high fade herbs got outta pocket. #TrapOperationsCenter
When the Teutonic turd herd advanced on Turner’s boiz under heavily mortar, arty, and rocket fire Don’t Do It Blood Baff Day pulled his squad back to a house and decided to fight to the last man. #SayLess The Nerd Reich sent repeated waves at the traphouse and repeatedly got fucking smashed by the hard D Easy Day and his boys were passing out. #PICMDEEP
The White Supremacist Wankstains finally got in the house when they brought up a tank for direct fire support. But Torchin Em Turner flung a can of flaming oil at the first wave of Jew haters, and fought from to room, kicking in teeth with his bare hands. #DamnSon Turner hucked nade after nade and poked two of Guderian’s gooch goblins with his bayo. #YouKnowHowToGetToCarnegieHallDontYa
Turner fought even after he blew through his ammo, and after four hours and with only three men left unwounded, the mother fucking Nazis surrendered. #MyHowTheTurnsHaveTabled
In all, Turner and his boiz smoke checked 11 Third Reich Thotianas, took twenty prisoners, and a whole grip of soft serve stormtrooper went missing. #AccountabilityGameLevelFtHood
Sgt Turner’s valiant stand lives on as a constant reminder of sacrifice and holebeatery found so commonly is the bold Bastards of Bastone who 76 years ago put a hurtin’ on Shitler that he never recovered from.
Written By OAF Nation